Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The People

I want to welcome the new followers of the Sustainable Startup blog. Tracey De Leeuw, Marty Park and Jaison Thomas. I hope you are able to gain from this blog in terms of managing your own Startup investments and that by participating in this blog you experience all this startup has to offer without the risk.

The last few years there has been a deeper focus in the business world around having a living business plan. A plan that is used for more than just raising capital or communicating to shareholders. This is a great concept but I have seen little that actually explains how this is done or what real expectations a company should have around it. PlanHQ is a great online tool to help us accomplish a living business plan. What we are doing here is applying a methodology and subsequent process to accomplish a "living business plan". The process that I use with my clients and ventures has has five Steps. I have outlined them in earlier posts but here they are for review:

1.) Clarity - Accomplishing what we want as opposed to what we think we want, (Huh??)
2.) People - We must be able to identify who we need and not what we need.
3.) Working Plan - Measurable.
4.) Cash - Fuel to establish and grow.
5.) Balance - PLWYMPYF (Personally Live Within Your Means, Pay Yourself First).

We have now worked through Step 1. You will notice that I did not say we have completed it. As this is a process it is something that we will always be improving and never really "completing". Note: Step 1 is the key to the quality and success of the other steps as EVERYTHING in this process is built on Clarity.

In the next Blog post, (late this week/early next week) we will start Step 2. The People.

I hope you enjoy the content and experience of Sustainable Startup. Please feel free to comment and invite others.

Have a great week!

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