Welcome to our latest follower CGnovels. CGnovels is a guild of artists who use technology and the traditional methods of art. http://www.cgnovels.com/.
Sustainable Startup blog is best experienced when used in conjunction with PlanHQ, an on-line business planning tool. If you want free access to planHQ for the Sustainable Startup blog email erika@cameronchell.com and she will send you a login name and password.
You will always here it said that people are your most valuable asset. I have learned that people are also by far your most expensive and complex asset. Based on this notion and a lot of hard lessons, I have developed a formula that I keep front and center whenever I am dealing with HR or the “people asset”. Over the next couple of weeks we will run through this formula as well as an accompanying method I use to implement it. The formula is PxS=P. Passion x Simple = Practical.
Passion. Much ado is made about passion and without it a startup stands little chance for any level of success. Most startups love attracting people to their cause and attracting passionate people to a cause is generally not that hard. In saying that, one of the most prominent reasons for failure in startups is that startups attract passionate people to a cause. Lets me stress this again so you don’t think I made a mistake in what I wrote; "One of the most prominent reasons startups fail is that they attract passionate people to a cause". A cause is something that brings about an effect or a result. A causes on it's own is a problem. A causes is a "big idea" and big idea’s have a lot of interpretations of what the big idea is, how it gets accomplished, why it needs to be accomplished, who should accomplish it, and the most contentious, who’s cause or idea is it? Passion is a double edge sword. While a passionate team can bring enthusiasm, drive, fortitude, adherence, focus, dedication, and more, it can also bring politics, ego, obstinance, burnout, and disappointment amongst other challenges. In order for passion to be effective it needs to have a purpose. A purpose channels and causes passion. While a cause can bring about a change a purpose gives reason and direction for that change. A purpose has context, a context that is created from clarity (There is that word again "clarity". Everything starts with step 1 (clarity) as previously outlined. Clarity, Clarity, Clarity).
With clarity you can create purpose. With purpose you are less likely to attract the “wrong” passionate people which is just as important as attracting the “right” passionate people. By really working the clarity questions from Step 1 with your team you are putting in the first, most important, least expensive, and most effective layer of HR screening possible. In doing this you will automatically implement the most important aspect of the formula: Attract people to a purpose not a cause.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The People
I want to welcome the new followers of the Sustainable Startup blog. Tracey De Leeuw, Marty Park and Jaison Thomas. I hope you are able to gain from this blog in terms of managing your own Startup investments and that by participating in this blog you experience all this startup has to offer without the risk.
The last few years there has been a deeper focus in the business world around having a living business plan. A plan that is used for more than just raising capital or communicating to shareholders. This is a great concept but I have seen little that actually explains how this is done or what real expectations a company should have around it. PlanHQ is a great online tool to help us accomplish a living business plan. What we are doing here is applying a methodology and subsequent process to accomplish a "living business plan". The process that I use with my clients and ventures has has five Steps. I have outlined them in earlier posts but here they are for review:
1.) Clarity - Accomplishing what we want as opposed to what we think we want, (Huh??)
2.) People - We must be able to identify who we need and not what we need.
3.) Working Plan - Measurable.
4.) Cash - Fuel to establish and grow.
5.) Balance - PLWYMPYF (Personally Live Within Your Means, Pay Yourself First).
We have now worked through Step 1. You will notice that I did not say we have completed it. As this is a process it is something that we will always be improving and never really "completing". Note: Step 1 is the key to the quality and success of the other steps as EVERYTHING in this process is built on Clarity.
In the next Blog post, (late this week/early next week) we will start Step 2. The People.
I hope you enjoy the content and experience of Sustainable Startup. Please feel free to comment and invite others.
Have a great week!
The last few years there has been a deeper focus in the business world around having a living business plan. A plan that is used for more than just raising capital or communicating to shareholders. This is a great concept but I have seen little that actually explains how this is done or what real expectations a company should have around it. PlanHQ is a great online tool to help us accomplish a living business plan. What we are doing here is applying a methodology and subsequent process to accomplish a "living business plan". The process that I use with my clients and ventures has has five Steps. I have outlined them in earlier posts but here they are for review:
1.) Clarity - Accomplishing what we want as opposed to what we think we want, (Huh??)
2.) People - We must be able to identify who we need and not what we need.
3.) Working Plan - Measurable.
4.) Cash - Fuel to establish and grow.
5.) Balance - PLWYMPYF (Personally Live Within Your Means, Pay Yourself First).
We have now worked through Step 1. You will notice that I did not say we have completed it. As this is a process it is something that we will always be improving and never really "completing". Note: Step 1 is the key to the quality and success of the other steps as EVERYTHING in this process is built on Clarity.
In the next Blog post, (late this week/early next week) we will start Step 2. The People.
I hope you enjoy the content and experience of Sustainable Startup. Please feel free to comment and invite others.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Through the use of it's Reality Blog Sustainable Startup followers can experience a startup without the risk.
Above is the Sustainable Startup Elevator Pitch. The elevator Pitch formula that I use is something I modified from an HR method that is designed to determine what you do in an organization and who you should be spending time with or resources on. The method is called the Verbalized Summary Objective. A great white board video, (3:30 minutes) of how this technique works is done by Edward Muzio, CEO of Group Harmonics, a management consulting firm. Follow this link, https://www.iterasi.net/Viewer.aspx?RootAssetID=2501555 and click on the video that is titled "Saying No Without Saying No". Watching this video will give you a basis on how the technique works as it relates to HR but will also give you insight as it relates to an elevator pitch. Also, the Group Harmonics site is a great resource for all kinds of management techniques.
(h) x (w) = (r). (h)What strategically different or exceptionally strong resource you use to deliver your product or service, (w) Whom your consumer or user of the resource is, and (r) is for what Result.
By having answered the clarity questions the formula becomes plug and play, however it still takes discipline. What is the resources you use to deliver your product or service. The answer to this question is the same answer as to question four of the Clarity questions, "How does our approach differ from that of our competition?" In the case of Sustainable Startup blog it is that we are a reality blog building a startup (The Sustinable Startup blog) in real time via PlanHQ. Whom in the Case of Sustainable Startup are the followers of the Blog and the Result is the experience the followers get from the reality blog.
The net result of this elevator pitch is: The Sustainable Startup blog...uses it's (h)Reality blog to give the (w)followers the experience of a (r)startup without the risk.
It takes some work to widdle down what you want to get across only to what is most important.
In using the formula keep the following in mind:
1.) Avoid cognitive dissonance, introduce only one concept and benefit in your elevator pitch.
2.) Let your audience think through the model and "get it". You will know this will happening if they ask you questions that are singular and you find them easy to answer. Remember, keep your follow up answers in the same format - singular and 12secs.
(h) x (w) = (r). (h)What strategically different or exceptionally strong resource you use to deliver your product or service, (w) Whom your consumer or user of the resource is, and (r) is for what Result.
By having answered the clarity questions the formula becomes plug and play, however it still takes discipline. What is the resources you use to deliver your product or service. The answer to this question is the same answer as to question four of the Clarity questions, "How does our approach differ from that of our competition?" In the case of Sustainable Startup blog it is that we are a reality blog building a startup (The Sustinable Startup blog) in real time via PlanHQ. Whom in the Case of Sustainable Startup are the followers of the Blog and the Result is the experience the followers get from the reality blog.
The net result of this elevator pitch is: The Sustainable Startup blog...uses it's (h)Reality blog to give the (w)followers the experience of a (r)startup without the risk.
It takes some work to widdle down what you want to get across only to what is most important.
In using the formula keep the following in mind:
1.) Avoid cognitive dissonance, introduce only one concept and benefit in your elevator pitch.
2.) Let your audience think through the model and "get it". You will know this will happening if they ask you questions that are singular and you find them easy to answer. Remember, keep your follow up answers in the same format - singular and 12secs.
Monday, May 11, 2009
10 Lessons From A Failed Startup
This is a great article, (click on the title to view the article) that was passed onto me by Paul, who is a follower of Sustainable Startup. Thanks Paul, great article! In particular the first three points are brilliant observations and very well articulated.
This week on the blog we are still on the topic of Clarity. I will run through a process that will build an elevator pitch that can be delivered in 12 seconds. Yep 12seconds!
Finally, welcome to the new followers. If you would like to be part of the PlanHQ online business plan for Sustainable Startup send your email address to erika@cameronchell.com and she will have PlanHQ grant you access.
This week on the blog we are still on the topic of Clarity. I will run through a process that will build an elevator pitch that can be delivered in 12 seconds. Yep 12seconds!
Finally, welcome to the new followers. If you would like to be part of the PlanHQ online business plan for Sustainable Startup send your email address to erika@cameronchell.com and she will have PlanHQ grant you access.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Answers from Plan HQ
I thought I would post the Clarity questions answered in full so that those who have not signed up in Plan HQ can see what a full set of questions answered look like. Hopefully it will be easy to see the value they bring to a project. Also, still to come this week is the Elevator Pitch. How to build one quick, concise and effective.
Clarity Questions: Sustainable Startup blog.
Why does the organization exist, and what difference does it make in the world?
The Sustainable Startup Blog exists to be an interactive forum to explore, challenge and flush out ideas and concepts of building a "sustainable startup". My ideas and contributions to this blog come from my 26 years of experience of doing startups. This difference I hope that this blog makes is that we are able to zero in on what it takes to make a startup sustainable and then somehow in some form and manner take the information and interaction from this blog and expose it in a practical and elegant way to the startup world for the social and economic benefit of entrepreneurs and their glocal communities.
It is my view that entrepreneurship and startups in particular are vital to a sustainable economy and society. The better our entrepreneur and startup abilities in a society the better the society’s potential.
What behavioral values are irreplaceable and fundamental?
In my view there are three fundamental values required in order to fulfill this blogs stated purpose.
1. Adherence. Containing the scope of posts and discussion within the purpose of the blog.
2. Open Minded Risk. Allowing posts, comments and all interaction to not have to be the "right" answer but opinions, views and/or insights of how build a sustainable startup.
3. Consistency. The timing and nature of the posts, comments, discussion and interaction must be such that it not only engages people but keeps them engaged in an ever more passionate manner.
What business are we in and against whom do we compete?
This blog is in the best Practices arena of the Venture Capital Industry.This blog competes with any other blog looking to build credibility with and
garner the trusted attention of Venture Capital and Angle Investors.
How does our approach differ from that of our competition?
One, this blog is not so much for the venture capital player looking to raise capital but for the venture capital player looking to grow and maximize her venture capital investment.
Second, this blog is what I am calling a reality blog. This blog is building itself as a sustainable startup. I plan on doing this with the Sustainable Startup Blog live/in real time and transparently. Hopefully we will all be able to take our experience from this Reality Blog and apply it where useful in our own venture investments.
5a. What are our Goals this month? (April/May)
4 quality posts (as rated by the Blog followers) as it relates to PlanHQ and how to
use the tool.
Grow from 20 followers to 25 followers through social networking and
recommendations from existing followers.
5b. What are our Goals for this Quarter? (May - August 2009)
Average 1 quality post per week as rated by the followers.
Grow from 25 followers to 40 followers through social networking and recommendations from existing followers.
Use the blog writing and feedback from followers as the basis to have and outline for a book.
5c. What are our goals for the end of this year? (End of 09)
Average 1 quality post per week as rated by the followers.
Grow from 40 followers at end of August to 80 followers through social
networking and recommendations from existing followers.
Full clarity on a book based on the writing and feedback of the blog. The clarity
will come from the six clarity questions.
Business Plan written specifically for “the book” – using planHQ methods
outlined and developed in the process the blog group is currently undertaking with
Have an outline for a book complete based on the writing of the blog and the
feedback of followers.
Have approximately 33% of the book written in first draft.
5d. What are our goals for next year? (End of 10)
Average 1 quality post per week as rated by the followers.
Grow from 80 followers at end of 2009 to 200 followers through social
networking and recommendations from existing followers by end of 2010.
Book Written.
Business Plan being executed.
5e. What are our goals for five years from now?
For the followers of this blog to SIGNIFICANTLY capitalize on the experience and purpose of this first “Reality Blog”. (As per question 1. The Sustainable Startup Blog exists to be an interactive forum to explore, challenge and flush out ideas and concepts of building a "sustainable startup". This difference that this blog is trying to make is that it is able to zero in on what it takes to make a startup sustainable and then somehow in some form and manner take the information and interaction from this blog and expose it in a practical and elegant way to the startup world for the social and economic benefit of entrepreneurs and their glocal communities.)
6. Who has to do what for us to achieve our goals for this month, this quarter, this
year, five years from now?
This Month
Cameron: 1 Quality post per week
Invite 10 people to view the blog. from my database.
Use 12 second tweeting video to update and promote blog to my social
Ask blog followers for recommendations and referrals to follow the blog.
Implement some sort of survey mechanism (maybe a widget) to the blog
to be able to get candid feedback on the posts from the blog followers.
This Quarter
Cameron: 1 Quality post per week
Invite 40 people to view/participate in the blog. from my personal
Use 12 second tweeting video to update and promote blog to my social
Ask blog followers for recommendations and referrals to follow the blog.
Erika: Start Sustainable Startup groups on Major social networks all linking back
to the blog.
Ask blog followers if they would like to chair any of the Social network
discussion groups.
This Year
Cameron: 1 Quality post per week
Invite a minimum 90 people to view/participate in the blog from my
Personal database.
Use 12 second tweeting video to update and promote blog to my social
Ask blog followers for recommendations and referrals to follow the blog.
Ensure full clarity for a book.
Design/experiment with a system whereby they will receive credit and possible monetary participation in book profit.
Erika: Design program to exponentially grow social network groups.
Get publishers, VC Firms and writers actively participating in the blog and book loop process.
Followers: ?
5 years
Cameron: 1 Quality post per week as rated by feedback of followers.
Erika: Research and market one quality blog post per week.
Followers: Participate in one quality blog post per week.
Clarity Questions: Sustainable Startup blog.
Why does the organization exist, and what difference does it make in the world?
The Sustainable Startup Blog exists to be an interactive forum to explore, challenge and flush out ideas and concepts of building a "sustainable startup". My ideas and contributions to this blog come from my 26 years of experience of doing startups. This difference I hope that this blog makes is that we are able to zero in on what it takes to make a startup sustainable and then somehow in some form and manner take the information and interaction from this blog and expose it in a practical and elegant way to the startup world for the social and economic benefit of entrepreneurs and their glocal communities.
It is my view that entrepreneurship and startups in particular are vital to a sustainable economy and society. The better our entrepreneur and startup abilities in a society the better the society’s potential.
What behavioral values are irreplaceable and fundamental?
In my view there are three fundamental values required in order to fulfill this blogs stated purpose.
1. Adherence. Containing the scope of posts and discussion within the purpose of the blog.
2. Open Minded Risk. Allowing posts, comments and all interaction to not have to be the "right" answer but opinions, views and/or insights of how build a sustainable startup.
3. Consistency. The timing and nature of the posts, comments, discussion and interaction must be such that it not only engages people but keeps them engaged in an ever more passionate manner.
What business are we in and against whom do we compete?
This blog is in the best Practices arena of the Venture Capital Industry.This blog competes with any other blog looking to build credibility with and
garner the trusted attention of Venture Capital and Angle Investors.
How does our approach differ from that of our competition?
One, this blog is not so much for the venture capital player looking to raise capital but for the venture capital player looking to grow and maximize her venture capital investment.
Second, this blog is what I am calling a reality blog. This blog is building itself as a sustainable startup. I plan on doing this with the Sustainable Startup Blog live/in real time and transparently. Hopefully we will all be able to take our experience from this Reality Blog and apply it where useful in our own venture investments.
5a. What are our Goals this month? (April/May)
4 quality posts (as rated by the Blog followers) as it relates to PlanHQ and how to
use the tool.
Grow from 20 followers to 25 followers through social networking and
recommendations from existing followers.
5b. What are our Goals for this Quarter? (May - August 2009)
Average 1 quality post per week as rated by the followers.
Grow from 25 followers to 40 followers through social networking and recommendations from existing followers.
Use the blog writing and feedback from followers as the basis to have and outline for a book.
5c. What are our goals for the end of this year? (End of 09)
Average 1 quality post per week as rated by the followers.
Grow from 40 followers at end of August to 80 followers through social
networking and recommendations from existing followers.
Full clarity on a book based on the writing and feedback of the blog. The clarity
will come from the six clarity questions.
Business Plan written specifically for “the book” – using planHQ methods
outlined and developed in the process the blog group is currently undertaking with
Have an outline for a book complete based on the writing of the blog and the
feedback of followers.
Have approximately 33% of the book written in first draft.
5d. What are our goals for next year? (End of 10)
Average 1 quality post per week as rated by the followers.
Grow from 80 followers at end of 2009 to 200 followers through social
networking and recommendations from existing followers by end of 2010.
Book Written.
Business Plan being executed.
5e. What are our goals for five years from now?
For the followers of this blog to SIGNIFICANTLY capitalize on the experience and purpose of this first “Reality Blog”. (As per question 1. The Sustainable Startup Blog exists to be an interactive forum to explore, challenge and flush out ideas and concepts of building a "sustainable startup". This difference that this blog is trying to make is that it is able to zero in on what it takes to make a startup sustainable and then somehow in some form and manner take the information and interaction from this blog and expose it in a practical and elegant way to the startup world for the social and economic benefit of entrepreneurs and their glocal communities.)
6. Who has to do what for us to achieve our goals for this month, this quarter, this
year, five years from now?
This Month
Cameron: 1 Quality post per week
Invite 10 people to view the blog. from my database.
Use 12 second tweeting video to update and promote blog to my social
Ask blog followers for recommendations and referrals to follow the blog.
Implement some sort of survey mechanism (maybe a widget) to the blog
to be able to get candid feedback on the posts from the blog followers.
This Quarter
Cameron: 1 Quality post per week
Invite 40 people to view/participate in the blog. from my personal
Use 12 second tweeting video to update and promote blog to my social
Ask blog followers for recommendations and referrals to follow the blog.
Erika: Start Sustainable Startup groups on Major social networks all linking back
to the blog.
Ask blog followers if they would like to chair any of the Social network
discussion groups.
This Year
Cameron: 1 Quality post per week
Invite a minimum 90 people to view/participate in the blog from my
Personal database.
Use 12 second tweeting video to update and promote blog to my social
Ask blog followers for recommendations and referrals to follow the blog.
Ensure full clarity for a book.
Design/experiment with a system whereby they will receive credit and possible monetary participation in book profit.
Erika: Design program to exponentially grow social network groups.
Get publishers, VC Firms and writers actively participating in the blog and book loop process.
Followers: ?
5 years
Cameron: 1 Quality post per week as rated by feedback of followers.
Erika: Research and market one quality blog post per week.
Followers: Participate in one quality blog post per week.
Monday, May 4, 2009
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